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Flawed Patriots and Cultural Genocide on Uighurs (brought to you in part by the CCP)
What good can come out of patriotism? To be a proper patriot, you must overlook the failings of your country for a cause usually created...
Iran is Sidestepping US Sanctions with Bitcoin, and That’s on Progress
The head of St. Louis Federal Reserve, James Bullard, told CNBC on Tuesday that Bitcoin was not a challenge to the US dollar’s global...
Candide and Positive Vibes
I’m no stranger to tirelessly questioning whether man is innately good or innately evil. Evil is taught and being good is repeatedly...
Religion, Spirituality, and Nietzsche
Sunday School consisted of a 5-step routine: 1) Watching ‘Veggie Tales’ 2) Reading lines from The Bible 3) Thanking Jesus for being...
Rumi in a Pandemic
When a 13th century poet captivates a 21st century audience, his words must ring true. Rumi is the Sufi mystic and philosopher that has...
The Patron Effect
Humans have the tendency to associate themselves in groups with similar dispositions, and to ultimately feel accepted in a society that...
I’m still not white.
When I apply for a job or fill out any application, I usually have to check the ‘white’ box when identifying my ethnicity. My parents are...
I used to have this theory that if were to have a set belief on a religion or spirituality, it meant I were content—that I would no...
Korea Town
IGTV Link:
Little Persia
Link to IGT: Tehrangeles: the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian Revolution where Ayatollah Khomeini...
Little Italy, San Diego
Link to IGTV: Restaurant: Filippis Pizza Grotto, San Diego Little Italy began taking shape in...
Vege-Indian Food & Hinduism
Link to IGTV: Restaurant: Samosa House East, Culver City When I moved to LA two years ago, I...
The New New: (democratic) Socialism
One of my first IGTVs was about democratic socialism. The ramifications? An inbox flooded with accusations of promoting socialism for a...
Robots, the last democratic debate, and freedom dividends
October’s democratic debate had no questions about the housing crisis, immigration, or climate change. It did end with one relating to...
NBA: Brought to You in Part by China. The damage 140 Characters or less can do.
Desmond Tutu said: If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. By now, I’m sure you’re well...
Good Greed, and Economics Need for Philosophy
Humanities has a poor reputation. Trust me, I’m an MFA student. When I tell family members I’m an MFA student, the follow up question...
When you’re not spiritual enough to be spiritual, and you’re not Atheist enough for the Atheists.
My 25-year-old self watched with jealousy as family, friends, and strangers prayed around my dad, as he was hours away from death’s door....
Psychology of a Radical Trump Supporter
Last week, I created a #TrumpRecession IGTV that was also posted on the @lataco Instagram page, a source of news and information related...
#Trump’s dream-team of incompetency
Donald Trump is growing his ego-driven trade war and it’s not benefiting the U.S., or any other country for that matter. CNN is...
Here’s the Opioid Addiction You Were Prescribed
I initially pursued Biology as my primary major in Undergrad because I was very involved in my dad’s health. I wanted to be a...
Andrew Yang Probably Won’t Win the Primary Election, But His Freedom Dividend Proposal Should
In my free time, I watch YouTube debates. It’s a strange vice, albeit an addicting past time. A politician’s strategy, when facing...
The Sith Philosophy Can Resonate and That Might Not Be A Bad Things
It’s been less than a year since I made a less-than-average minute long video that now has 35,624 views on why the Sith were right. In...
Boris Johnson is from the Same Tree as Donald Trump
There’s an analysis on CNN by Luke McGee called Boris Johnson is not Donald Trump. Let’s talk about that. Sure—McGee does have some...
Lost Opportunities and the Iranian American Identity
Last week, I told my mom I deleted all my dating apps. I wanted to replace mindlessly dating with hobbies, writing at different coffee...
Rap Music on Trial, and Lil Nas X is the only Country Artist I’ll Listen To
The American Justice and Legal System has a combative relationship with rap music. Rather than seeing lyrics as an art form with the...
The Mindfuck that is L. Ron Hubbard and David-fucking-Miscavige
Before I begin, I’d like to make an apology. Afterwards, I’ll discuss why the founder of Scientology is such a mindfuck, and why the...
Stop Acting Like The Sex Industry is Gotham City
I don’t think it’s humanly possible to ask society to normalize taking off one’s clothes or fucking on camera as a career choice. People...
British colonialism in India // Winston Churchill was racist
Imagine your home is the talk of the neighborhood because of your extravagant spice cabinet filled with ginger, turmeric, cumin,...
The Vatican Bank: Super Fast Shady Facts
Hello, Vatican City! The smallest country in the world surrounded by Rome, Vatican City (Città del Vaticano) is home to the world’s most...
Guns & Your Debates Sound like a cluster-fuck of Ad Hominem Fallacies
I’m sure by now your social media feed is oversaturated with opinions on gun laws in America--as it should be. Tragedies should birth...
Let's Talk About Sex, Maybe?
I always wanted to write about the American school system failing its students when it comes to sex education, but it wasn’t until...
House of Malevolence: Nestlé Part 1-Baby Formula
I have two weaknesses: animals and babies. I do my best to pretend like I don’t want either, but my ovaries explode when I see anyone...
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Democratic Socialist?
Bernie’s back! And he’s still America’s grandpa who just wants us have a job, receive free health care and a good ol’ college education....
House of Malevolence Episode 2: Ted Cruz
Citizens United is a 2010 Supreme Court decision ruling that political spending is a form of free speech--which for the past eight years,...
Give it Up
It’s like that one Pepper song--where you literally have to put your mind away, and let your hormones do the rest--on the first draft....
Religious Tourism and Monopolizing God: Introduction
It’s a safe assumption that my critique on religion stems from not having one. Truth is, I don’t have a problem with religion. I believe...
The House of Malevolence: Episode 1
Mohammed bin Salman, Prince of Saudi Arabia Once upon a bloodbath, 57 year old Mohammed bin Nayef was forced to give up his title as...
Un Lun Dun Annotation Paper
The Very un-Very Chosen One Novel: Un Lun Dun Author: China Mieville Un Lun Dun by China Mieville is a Young Adult fantasy novel about an...
Daemon Voices Annotation Paper
This is the paper I will submit in January to my adviser at Antioch University. The Daemon Voices in Your Head Novel: Daemon Voices: On...
On Sunday, I went to a lecture called Defamiliarization, which focused on how our minds are so habituated, that the essence of everyday...
The Virginity Paradox
TLDR; Losing your virginity does not change your morality. Having sex is healthy. Not having sex is fine too. Educate yourselves and stop...
Islam, Gender Roles, and Destruction of History through Repression
Discretion: My writing is not directed to the 1.8 billion followers of Islam, but to fascist regimes and scripture. I’ll post my problems...
The Sith Aren’t Completely Wrong because POV, and Are We Attracted to Conflicted Men?
I don’t condone blowing up planets or killing younglings. But I think Star Wars fans need to acknowledge the Point Of View (POV) that...
Writer's Burnout, Imposter Syndrome, And Saying No To Devaluation
Oh, you just have writer’s block. It’ll pass. Hearing this terribly mediocre accusation exhausts me. I think we all know ourselves as...
Keep Calm and Stop Editing
I think one of the worst parts about studying how to write, or learning all the technicalities on proper writing, are the rules of...
Rap Music on Trial: My interview with Charis Kubrin
I met Professor Charis Kubrin at a candidate forum where her husband, Kev Abazajian, among other candidates running for Irvine City...
Swipe Right for Good Pacing
Pacing is a huge factor in determining your audience for your writing. I’ve had folks tell me they weren’t fans of fantasy novels because...
Don't lose your head, even when you're (giving?) head-hopping
I expressed to my adviser that I had immense difficulty maintaining one type of Point of View, and felt like less of a writer because of...
Andrew Cotto Interview
My first learning objective when applying for this social-media-esq field study was to teach literary arts in both an educational and...
Digression! Digression! Digression!
Novel: Gone Girl Author: Gillian Flynn I struggled with the word digression any time a professor used the term in lecture. Backstory? A...
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